Friday, October 31, 2008

A little explanaion on the music selection

First off all, I am mentally retarded when it comes to computers. Not illiterate but, mentally retarded. Thats right I have an extra chromosome floating around on my computer skills gene. If I was Napolean Dynamite, I would not list computer skills, in my list of skills. If I was a Wendy's sandwich I would be a, Jr bacon computer retard. If I was from Mcdonalds I would be a chicken Mccomputer retarded. If I was an energy drink I would be A Rockstar, Computer retard flavor.
I could not for the life of me, get the D. a. m. n. play list on here. It took a member of the "Hot Moms club," to help me figure it out. Thank goodness for those Hot Moms. Here it is in all its unedited glory, Bergybros play list. Mind the children's ears during some of the selections. I'll see if my "computer skills" will allow me to clean it up. Until then enjoy.

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