Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Why do we have to get sick. I hate being sick. Being sick is so annoying. Most times that a person is sick, its not deathly ill, its annoyingly ill. You know, like a annoying sore throat, a annoying runny nose, an annoying pink eye (wink, wink, or maybe not). Its a terrible thing that we as human beings have to deal with. I also get annoyed by medicine. Usually it just masks the symptoms and, lulls you into a false sense of well being; then you come down off the syrupy high you've been enjoying and BAMM! back to being annoyed. Better living through chemistry is awesome untill the robtusin ride comes to a halt. The thing that we have to look forward to through all of this is the two principles of Hope and Change. Barrack and roll. Not.

1 comment:

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I'm with you on hating sickness. It IS annoying! It's especially annoying when you are in church and your nose is running and you forgot tissue. You either got to find a wipie fast or use your sleeve...okay, so I'm not so funny, but you are :)